Before you start posting, you must agree to the following Rules on these forums, your use of the forum will constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of these rules:
1) No highly abusive, harrassing, threatening or racist posts. We are a community here in the OT, one that works in a friendly manner, and anything disrupting this community through unreasonable/harsh posting will be dealt with severely.
2) No Spamming, defamatory messages, viral links, links to malicious code/software or anything else that is likely to damage a user's computer or the Alliance's website.
3) While profanity is crude and generally unacceptable we will not be censoring words. We feel that in order to express oneself it is sometimes required. Though if the situation calls for it or the privilege is abused censors will be put into effect.
4) Although this rule will not be enforced, we do like to make sure that the majority of posts have good spelling and grammar. Good Spelling and grammar makes the guild look more professional to prospective joiners, and makes the poster look like they are taking the guild seriously. This rule will be more relevant in the Roleplay sections, in which you must remember that you are writing something that wouldn't look out of place in a book. In the OT, we are more lenient, but do remember that it reflects on you as a person to some degree.
5) Threatening/bullying the Admin of this site will not be tolerated. We have invested much time and effort into this guild and if you are majorly disrupting the guild, you undermine our efforts. Expect warnings then bans/account deletion.
6) Absolute no porn, this is actually a rule of not just the guild, but the forums we use. It would be a shame to loose them no?
7) If you have any questions, direct them towards Admins. We are always willing to help. Especially inquire if you have a question whether it is acceptable to perform a specific behavior or post certain questionable material.
8) Overall, have fun! This is what the game is all about, and your reasons for joining the site also. I don't like to have to put a lot of restrictions on you, but the majority of rules above is just common sense more than anything else, and this thread serves to highlight them. So good luck, and may the force be with you.
9) Punishment will occur in the form of warnings, suspension, and banning from the site. This is to be decided by admins.
*If you have any problems either specifically with the site or one of its members please PM me or a mod personally.*